United Healthcare Golden Rule Blood Draw

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: March 4, 2020

Don't waste your money, this insurance won't cover anything even if your policy is a full coverage. In April 2019 I was hospitalized and had a surgery. They have only paid my medical pill $436 and left me with 19k to pay out of my pocket to the hospital. To this day they been saying there was a mistake. It is the other way around. "You're suppose to $436 and we pay the rest." Oh well insurance don't want to pay. Anything you see on their website is just total scam. Just canceled. They don't provide you with confirmation number, still to this day pull money of my account. 4 months a row and I'm struggling with this cancellation. Called customer service and they come at me that's my policy is canceled and there is nothing they can do and I should just contact the bank. This is very frustrating.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 3, 2020

Don't bother. Horrible customer service-confusing billing. Just don't do it. I cancelled my premium through their online system-then spent over an hour in the phone to cancel the additional policies attached to the main policy. Just don't do it.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 27, 2020

I told Brat ** what I need. I went to the doctor for my preventive exams which I told Brat ** I was due. I just don't understand how these companies can't take your hard earn money and get away with it. Why should I have to wait 6 month before you can go to the doctor. I wrote the Pennsylvania insurance investigator John **. He said that they further assistance at this time you need an attorney to help you. After this company ripped me off now I need to pay the they didn't pay and go get attorneys so where's is all this money come from and this insurance just collected people money and get to kept for nothing (This Nothing But AMERICANS agreed).

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 24, 2020

If you like giving money to a company that wants to not actually provide their service then Golden Rule is the company for you! It's health insurance in name only and basically any exception they can use to avoid paying they will use and there are exceptions for pretty much anything, bad cough? pre-existing condition. Having a baby? LOL, good luck with that. We might even revoke our coverage once we realize you're too expensive for us.

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Original review: Jan. 10, 2020

This was a 'gapper' plan for the 16 months I had between COBRA and Medicare. Yes, I understand it is a fixed indemnity plan. I hardly ever go to the doctor or hospital. Last winter I fell on the ice and the plan did not cover the x-rays. I'm out $2500. Last month I went to the dermatologist and it did not cover having pre-cancerous lesions zapped with liquid nitrogen. Out $200. These are super common things that happen to people. Should have been covered. I would have been far better off with no insurance.

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Original review: Dec. 10, 2019

This company is horrible. I had a fixed indemnity plan which is supposed to pay a fixed rate for covered services. I was well aware this was not major medical when I signed up. I had to go to the ER and have an CT scan, not for a pre existing condition, which were listed as covered services. I gathered all the medics documentation needed and mailed the claim application immediately. It took over two months for them to process the claim, in which I had to call multiple times to check and wait on hold sometimes for hours. I called again today and found out the claim was denied, and all the rep could tell me was because they "were not covered services." This does not make any sense according to my summary of benefits. I did not even care to argue further for just a few hundred dollars.

I canceled my policy today. I have no idea what they actually would pay for. Maybe I will get a prorated refund as they say (who knows when), maybe I won't. I also had a dental and accident plan with them, which I never used so I won't speak on those. But, I do know the professionalism and courtesy of various reps was not consistent, some were just rude and I'm assuming because they deal with angry and mislead customers all the time. Communication is poor and wait times are way too long. Benefits are misleading. I'd rather go without anything than flush my money down the toilet on this "insurance".

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Original review: Nov. 20, 2019

I was denied coverage because I had cancer 7 years ago, without chemo. My denial letter; however, had the explanation blank as to the reason it was denied. So they did not initially disclose the reason, but I believe happy to receive the $20 application fee. There should be a disclosure of what they will refuse coverage for before taking the fee.

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Original review: Nov. 17, 2019

I purchased this insurance as short-term heath insurance for my family, while awaiting for my insurance with a new employer to begin. Worst investment! They would not pay for daughter's doctor visit although I purchased a family coverage plan. I reported this company to the Better Business Bureau. This insurance company is a scam...BEWARE!!!

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Oct. 4, 2019

I had an extremely basic plan from this company and was told in writing that it would expire at the end of the year I started it. It was meant to cover me until open enrollment allowed me to sign up for a more complete plan. Not only did they not cancel the plan when they claimed they would, charging me for three extra months after the plan had already expired, they also made it extremely difficult to contact them and fix the situation. I never did manage to get them to fix their error. I did report the fraudulent transactions to my bank, but almost a year later they still have the money they stole. Protect yourself. Pick someone else, someone with a good honest reputation.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Sept. 26, 2019

I was oblivious to the new health insurance world. So I filled out an online inquiry and fenced a million calls. A broker talked to me for an HOUR, explained that I had a newborn and needed coverage right away. She need appointment within weeks. He assured me that this Golden Rule policy would be perfect for my wife and daughter. Weeeell. They seen her at doctors office with seeing our insurance card (which by the way says United One but has NOTHING to do with United Healthcare) but we left that first appointment feeling pretty good.

So a couple weeks later wife was sick so we went to her doctor and we're told they couldn't find that insurance company in system at all (like they didn't exist) so we paid cash for her visit. Keep in mind I am paying "Golden Rule" premiums every month ($500). I'm sure you seen this one coming but a little while later we received a bill from the baby's doctor for over $1000. Evidently the policy I was signed up to for my newborn (whom will need more healthcare that anyone) was a "temporary policy" with a SIX MONTH waiting period! So just to recap. 500 a month for mom and baby and six months nothing is covered. Yes that's right I was expected to pay $2500 in premiums before any coverage started! Crooks. Do yourselves a favor and go another route.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Sept. 15, 2019

Don't get this scam insurance. They trick you. They don't send a policy until after the 45 days expires so you can't get your money back after reviewing the fact that it's not insurance as the phone person stated but it's a supplement. It's worthless. They don't answer BBB complaints either. Scam!

Rated with 5 stars

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Original review: Sept. 11, 2019

I am satisfied. Have had work done on my teeth, straightening (Dental) along with a few caps/fillings "after" extraction of 2 of mine. I also had recently this year a few dr. appts., check-up, etc., all covered, so GOLDEN RULE is great! As far as I am concerned, they are not a scam, and I'm reading few others saying they are also happy with Golden Rule coverage. OBAMA CARE (ACA) helped me 100% though all was fully covered, NO CO-PAY to barely 20 bucks a few x of that. TOTALLY miss it, but I am happy so far, with Golden Rule. Born in 1970s... My son now has it for a few months, oldest child late 20s and early 30s, and 1 of my sons hurt his hand wrist, and he had minor surgery on his hand area, and it was almost fully covered. No complaints here. Not 1 bit. I reserve such right to come back and post new one or edit, IF there is a problem. But, so far, we are both happy with GOLDEN RULE coverage.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Aug. 30, 2019

I purchased an individual dental policy for my daughter in July 2019 because she was between jobs. They took a few days to process it, when she called to inquire about it, they had her on hold for about 25 minutes and no one seemed to know anything. She decided to cancel the coverage this month as she does not need it. She tried to call and cancel it and was on hold for over an hour, was told to leave a message that someone would call back--NO ONE has. She called again, on hold again for an hour. Someone finally picked up the phone and said they had to transfer the constituents area, on hold again.

A rep finally picked up only to tell her that they could not help her because her policy was in another department in another computer. WHAT?? So they put her back on hold and said it would be another hour. This company is making over $300 BILLION in revenue for 2019 and they cannot afford an infrastructure capable of handling a paying customer's call?? Just do NOT DO IT! RUN FROM THIS FOOLS!

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Aug. 19, 2019

I bought my daughter Golden Rule health insurance in 2017. She has not needed to use it until now when she is having major colon issues. As it turns out, they say I bought her LIFE INSURANCE. I am sooo mad. I remember talking to the agent about her kidney issues and whether or not it was going to be considered a preexisting issue since she hasn't had a problem with it since 1998. And he said no. If I bought life insurance why didn't they ask for a beneficiary. Why didn't I have to sign papers. Something is very FISHY here. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy anything from this so called "HEALTH CARE" company. CROOKS from beginning. And now we have to pay for emergency room, hospital stay, multiple tests, CT scan and now a colonoscopy out of our pocket. Companies like this need to be shut down!!!

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: July 26, 2019

I had Golden Rule for 6 month. During the first month of coverage I found that I had Hashimoto when I did the blood test. After their 6 month plan ended they denied my application for the next 6 month coverage and stated that I had a pre-existing condition - Hashimoto (I paid for the blood test by myself and never had any treatment for Hashimoto that Golden Rule was asked to cover). Stay away from this insurance. They advertise themselves as they would cover everything, but from my experience they did not cover anything. They more like an emergency type of insurance with really shady cover.

Rated with 5 stars

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Original review: July 6, 2019

My husband lost his job and cobra charged $1334.00 a month to maintain coverage. After researching different health options, we decided to go with Golden Rule (United health one). I am so far pleased with the company and the level of customer service I received. I have 2 kids who were due for their well checks. I paid $60 per kid (towards my deductible). They covered 100% of all my kids vaccines, which saved me $554.00 because my daughter had 3 that day. They discounted everything else. My husband is on 3 different blood pressure pills and his out of pocket cost was $11.00 using golden rule. My son needed an antibiotic and the out of pocket cost was $100, golden rule covered $51.00 etc.. This plan isn't meant to be used long term or to treat long term illnesses. There are savings with this plan and something is better than nothing. This plan fits our needs now until open enrollment begins and we can get a "major medical" plan.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: June 27, 2019

This, and their association with United Health One, are a joke. Please do not even waste your time. I had issues getting through their website (it was so slow) so I finally just called a number. Not only was I cut off several times and they kept calling back, when I finally got through their online application process, I was told to wait up to 48 hours for approval. Four days later, and nothing. No information, except "They are reviewing your application." Who are "they," exactly? If they can't decide whether or not to take my money within 4 days, I cannot imagine what it must be like to attempt to get a claim out of these people. So we've started our vacation, and have zero insurance. Nice... Now I'm worried they'll still try to charge me, and I'll be magically approved, once the vacation is over. Avoid this company like the plague!

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: June 21, 2019

I purchased this insurance through a third party broker company (iWebQuotes.com) which was one of the dumbest things I have done in my life. The broker named Leandro ** sold me this insurance as a primary health insurance and even though it seemed too cheap to be true he told me lies such as "it's only for young healthy people so we keep our prices very low" which at that time made sense and I made the purchase for me and my fiance. We found out the hard way how this insurance was useless when my fiance had to go to the emergency room. Out of the $10,600 bill they only covered $400!!!

That scam artist broker lied to us just so he can make couple more bucks. We have paid for this crap of an insurance for 7 months before finally canceling it. I contacted their resolution department and they were rude and did not refund a penny and said they are not responsible for what the third party broker told us. SO basically they are 100% OKAY with having third party brokers lie on their behalf and scam customers. Anyways do not make the same mistakes we did and find yourself an insurance that's worth your money!!

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: June 14, 2019

Today I phoned UHC/United Health One Golden Rule, a policy I just signed up for to update my payment method. The first lady was nice, updated the payment. Then proceeded to tell me that though the policy start date remained the same, the illness waiting period was 6 days out though injury coverage began immediately (still charged same rate even without illness coverage apparently). So I asked what the difference would be in illness and injury l, for example if I went to an ER with chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal or head pain..was that considered illness? She said she didn't know but would forward me to the policy coverage department who would know.

Ron answered and was unintelligent from the start. He had no clue. Then, when he wasn't able to answer, he proceeded to talk over me. I asked to be transferred to someone else but he said there was no one else..no supervisor and no one else who was there to help. At one point he suggested having someone call me back, then he changed his story and said there was no one. He literally wasn't able to answer anything. Ridiculous. Guy should not be working there, and what does this say about this insurance??

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: May 1, 2019

Golden Rule, offered through UnitedHealthcare Company, is a terrible plan. They cover almost nothing and they make it extremely difficult to purchase a plan. Additionally, they will not let you rollover your plan. DO NOT BUY THROUGH GOLDEN RULE!

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: April 30, 2019

I had them and I was diagnosed with diabetes and they dropped me. They don't buy for hardly anything. My diabetes test struts they would only pay for two dollars of it. This is the biggest joke since Obamacare.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: March 22, 2019

I bought this insurance In September. Thought it was good according to salesman. What a joke. Had skin cancer surgery in January and they paid 800 out of over 11000. Called them. They said with my plan that's what they pay. Thanks for screwing me Golden Rule.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: March 21, 2019

The great thing about having a policy with a large network is the contracted rates you get on all covered services. We've experienced discounts of up to 75% and 80% with United Healthcare. However, UnitedHealthOne (underwritten by Golden Rule) is nothing like United Healthcare. The discounted rates on covered services are minimal, maybe 10% to 15% overall. Then, since it's an indemnity plan, they're only paying out a pre-set amount per claim, which is typically just a fraction of the bill you'll receive from the provider. Don't fall prey to the attraction of low premiums. You'll be sorry when the enormous medical bills come rolling in. PS - They don't send you EOBs unless you request them, and then they have the audacity to charge you $25 after the first 10.

Rated with 5 stars

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Original review: March 5, 2019

James installed our furnace & air conditioner. He is a very hard worker & does the job right. He is friendly, courteous & helpful. He help us with programming details and any other concerns we had. Even after the job is done he still will help with question etc. Would recommend him & Golden Rule to others.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 27, 2019

Had Golden Rule for a secondary insurance. It was a minimal plan. I filed a claim for an office visit. Only claiming a 100.00 and the red tape was awful. I gave them statement detailed and talked with them on the phone and they said they needed info on my wife. I sent that. And on and on. I only had the policy for about a year. Paid 4000.00. All I wanted was a lousy 100.00 which they said the plan paid once a year. Golden Rule is a joke, rip off, scam co.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 22, 2019

This company is absolutely horrible, it takes at least 30 minutes to get anyone on the phone. I hate them so badly and resent that this FOR PROFIT company is providing customers with such terrible service. MAYBE PAY YOUR C_SUITE LESS AND HIRE MORE CALL REPS. Absolutely useless.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 22, 2019

I explained that I needed short term ins. including drug coverage. Agent went over my meds. Said, "YES, you are all covered." I asked again to make sure! NP! Then when it came time to use, IT IS A DISCOUNT CARD! Doesn't cover a thing. Couldn't cancel the vision. Have to keep for 1 year! And not use. Horrible company. I'm still shocked. They have treated me and others this way. I sure wish I would have seen these complaints prior!!

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Original review: Jan. 20, 2019

Do your due diligence and ask the right questions. Primrose failed to mention we couldn't use our plan for six months and when I tried reaching back out to her numerous times via phone and email, she refused to get back to me. I simply wanted answers. I guess my first red flag should have been when I requested policy literature and never received it (mailed to the wrong address of course).

The plan we had was a complete joke and I cancelled our plan immediately once I learned that I had been sold a bill of goods that served no purpose in the short term. Now, my family might be without insurance completely until open enrollment later this year thanks to Primrose's brutal dishonesty. So thank you Golden Rule for my first official dose of being screwed over since moving to Florida.

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Original review: Jan. 15, 2019

Signed up on August 22, paid my premium and set up automatic payments for a three month plan. I had to get some testing done on September 9. I was contacted January 12. They told me they were not covering anything and my plan Is null and void. Then I received close to $14,000 in bills from the hospital that I have to come out of pocket and pay for. Healthcare is a joke. I'm going to expire naturally. I had a good run. Signed dead man walking.

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Original review: Jan. 8, 2019

I have been on hold for 1:47:19 waiting to speak to a representative so I can add my son to our dental plan. There is still no end in sight! I'm feeling panicked now as, at some point, I'm going to have to go on with my life. This seems excessive! And I feel helpless because I need help today. Now it's 1:49:41.

United Healthcare Golden Rule Blood Draw

Source: https://www.consumeraffairs.com/insurance/golden_rule.html?page=2

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