Whats the Difference Between Upper Paleolithic Era Art and the Former Eras

The Paleolithic Era (or Old Rock Age) is a period of prehistory from almost ii.six million years agone to around 10000 years ago. The Neolithic Era (or New Stone Age) began around ten,000 BC and ended between 4500 and 2000 BC in diverse parts of the earth. In the Paleolithic era, there were more than ane human species only only one survived until the Neolithic era. Paleolithic humans lived a nomadic lifestyle in minor groups. They used primitive stone tools and their survival depended heavily on their environment and climate. Neolithic humans discovered agriculture and animal husbandry, which allowed them to settle down in one area. The Mesolithic era followed the Paleolithic era merely the menstruation of the Paleolithic—Mesolithic boundary varies by geography by as much every bit several thousand years.

Comparing chart

Neolithic versus Paleolithic comparison chart
Neolithic Paleolithic
Significant Neo=new; Lithic=stone. Neolithic era is also call the New Stone historic period. Paleo=old; Lithic=stone. The Paelolithic era is also chosen the Old Stone historic period.
Dwelling Mud bricks supported by timber Mouths of caves, huts, skin tents
Lifestyle Sedentary. They farmed in permanent settlements and raised/herded animals; agriculture was discovered and became a major source of food; families evolved. Nomadic; in groups of up to 50; tribal order; hunters and gatherers
Tools polished stone tools made sharper past grinding Chipped stone, wooden weapons, light stone tools (not sharpened)
Dress Animal skins, woven garments Animal skins
Governance Armed services and religious leaders had authority. Monarchy emerged. Tribal society. Clan controlled by elders or the powerful (according to age)
Economic system The concept of private holding and ownership emerged for things such equally state, livestock and tools. There was no concept of private property.
Wellness Neolithic people were shorter and had lower life expectancy. Diseases like tooth cavities and typhoid emerged in the new rock age. Neolithic women had more children because the life style was no longer nomadic. Paleolithic people were taller and lived longer than neolithic people.
Art Wall paintings Cave paintings
Sculpture material Stone, dirt (baked) Stone, mammoth ivory, reindeer horn
Primary Discovery Agriculture and tools with polished stones, the plow Burn down; Rough rock tools
Food They grew crops such as corn, wheat, beans, etc. Hunted and gathered for their nutrient supply.

A reconstruction of the head from a skull of a Paleolithic man excavated from Gongwangling, Lantian County.


A reconstruction of the head from a skull of a Paleolithic man excavated from Gongwangling, Lantian County.


Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers. They were nomads who lived in tribes and relied on hunting, line-fishing and gathering wild fruits. They hunted animals like bison, mammoths, bears and deer. Meat was a source of nutrient and animate being hide was used to make clothes. They lived in clans of twenty-30 people in caves, outdoors or in cabins made of tree branches and beast skin.

The Neolithic era began when humans discovered agriculture and raising cattle, which allowed them to no longer take a nomadic life style. They were able to settle in fertile areas with predictable climate, usually nearly river basins. Rice and wheat were the first plants they cultivated, and the first animals to be domesticated were dogs, goats, sheep, oxen and horses.

A painting at Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park showing paleolithic men hunting a mammoth using spears.


A painting at Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park showing paleolithic men hunting a mammoth using spears.

Important Discoveries and Inventions

Perhaps the most important invention of paleolithic human was language. A shut second was their discovery of how to command fire.

Neolithic humans discovered how to cultivate plants and domesticate animals. They also invented writing, pottery and weaving. The agricultural revolution in the early Neolithic era had a profound affect on the man species. The bike is besides believed to have been invented in the Neolithic menstruation. Calendars and fourth dimension-keeping were also invented in this era.

Health and longevity

In full general, Paleolithic people were healthier than Neolithic human being. Life expectancy was 35.iv years for men and 30.0 years for women in the belatedly Paleolithic era (30000 to 9000 BC). In the early neolithic era (7000 to 5000 BC) this fell to 33.half-dozen and 29.eight years, and in the late Neolithic era (5000 to 3000 BC) cruel even farther to 33.1 and 29.2 years respectively. The adoption of grains in the Neolithic era coincided with a shortening of stature, thinner bones and kleptomaniacal, cavity-ridden teeth. Another interesting physiological change was a decline in pelvic inlet depth, making childbirth more hard in the Neolithic era compared with the Paleolithic era.[1]

Diseases like tooth cavities, malaria, tuberculosis and typhoid fever are first known to have occurred in the Neolithic era.


Paleolithic tools were made of wood, stone and animate being bones. Tools and weapons similar harpoons, axes, lances, choppers and awls were used.

An obsidian arrowhead belonging to in Middle Paleolithic age


An obsidian arrowhead belonging to in Center Paleolithic age

Two Lower Paleolithic bifaces


Two Lower Paleolithic bifaces

Neolithic era tools were more sophisticated. A variety of tools were invented in the New Stone age, such as sickle blades and grinding stones for agriculture, and pottery and os implements for food production. Stone axes immune Neolithic human being to clear forests, and the adze allowed him to ashioning wood for shelter, structures and canoes. Archaeologists have also constitute projectile points, beads, and statuettes from this era.


Paleolithic people are believed to have animistic religious beliefs. They decorated walls of their cave dwellings with pictures of animals, including deer, bison and mammoths. They likewise fabricated small sculptures; notably Venus. The most famous prehistorical paintings are in the caves of Altamira, in Spain, and Lascaux, in France. This kind of art, distinct from natural formations in caves, is called cave art. Cave fine art has been found all over Europe, Asia and Africa. People in paintings were depicted equally stick figures.

A neolithic statue in China


A neolithic statue in China

Paleolithic cave art in Lascaux, France


Paleolithic cave art in Lascaux, France

Stonehenge, an archaeological site in the UK from the Neolithic era.


Stonehenge, an archaeological site in the UK from the Neolithic era.

A standing female figurine from the Neolithic era (circa 5th or 6th millenium B.C.)


A standing female figurine from the Neolithic era (circa 5th or 6th millenium B.C.)

The human figure became more important in Neolithic fine art, which often paints scenes with groups of people hunting, farming or dancing. Figures in these paintings were very schematic.


Religion in the paleolithic era was non institutionalized nor was the concept well-adult. Paleolithic people believed in animism or spirits that controlled their environs and animals around them. Small stone statues of significant women may suggest worship of fertility or nature. They usually buried their dead.

Human Species

There were several Homo species related to modern humans (including Neanderthals) during the paleolithic era but but one - Homo sapiens sapiens - survived until the neolithic historic period.

Hither is an interesting video where Chip Walter, writer of Final Ape Standing, describes what we know of day-to-day Neanderthal life and how Homo sapiens outlasted them:


  • Health and longevity of paleolithic and neolithic humans (very interesting data)
  • Prehistory
  • wikipedia:Paleolithic
  • wikipedia:Neolithic
  • Nomads turned farmers - a presentation

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"Neolithic vs Paleolithic." Diffen.com. Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 7 May 2022. < >


Source: https://www.diffen.com/difference/Neolithic_vs_Paleolithic

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